Friday, May 22, 2015

Things you never noticed about Olivia's apartment (3/7)

Have you ever felt lost in Olivia’s apartment scenes? Did you ever have the feeling something has changed but don't know what? You’re not alone! We noticed that too, so we investigated a little bit and found out that Olivia’s apartment is changing all the time. We’re going to expose the main "discoveries" we've made.

#3 The mysterious spaces
During Season 1, Rachel and Ella lived with Olivia in her apartment, but where did they sleep? Olivia's apartment just has one bedroom!

Let's follow Ella in this video from episode 1x12:

Ella goes through the kitchen to brush her teeth. We don't realise where the bathroom is until season 2, therefore, we think this is the way to the bathroom.

At the end of the same episode (1x12) Rachel goes to put Ella to bed and they follow the very same path:

If we take a look at that part of the kitchen we see a door. What's behind it? The bathroom? Another room? Judging from the light, it seems like the door leads to a patio. 

There's also another door in the living room that shows us it's impossible to have a room there. 

The mysteries don't end here. Ok, they want us to think the extra bedroom is there, but then, why does Ella go to get dressed in the opposite side in episode 1x15?

Did you notice where Ella goes? She dissapears through the apartment's front door! Is she sleeping at the neighbour's now? ;P
Another goof!

More every three weeks!

Videos from dunham4life's You Tube channel
Pictures from @Chapman2014


  1. the screenshot of the 2nd youtube clip: by Olivia's head. Is that room to her left (our right) not the bathroom?
