Walter: "Avocado, cucumber, and cheese. In 1974, the CIA asked me to develop the best sandwich for clarity of thought."
Thank you Walter, for teaching me to eat avocados because I've never had them before this. Quite delicious, I must say. If you don't like avocados but love guacamole, you can use it (that's what I did the first time around). Take white or whole wheat bread, spread avocado or guac on it. Slices of your favorite cheese, I used medium cheddar and top it off with cucumber slices. Spread more avocado or guac on the other slice of bread and there you go.
3.16 Os
Walter: "It was Belly's intellect that made [Massive Dynamic] great. All I've managed to do with its vast resources is to create a new flavor of cupcake frosting. Bacon-berry."
Yes! We tried it. WARNING: This looks disgusting, lol.
Then we took regular white frosting and added our mix. We covered sponge cake with the frosting, served it with pizza and cotton candy. 1.06 The Cure. Walter: "Blue. Not Pink."
Let me just tell you that... it was disgusting, lol. But, we didn't have Walter's lab or equipment to do it properly. Maybe using real bacon would have helped or whatever Walter was smoking ;)
Walter: "Chocolate chip and banana pancakes."

Take your favorite pancake recipe, add sliced bananas and chocolate chip. Bake. Serve with bacon. Oh yeah and... we added Red Vines to almost anything, lol.
4.11 Making Angels
Walter: "What would you say to some eggs? I had a marvelous dream last night in which eggs played a prominent part." Just got to love Walter's imagination.
And later in that episode (right pic)
Walter: "Perhaps y - you would both [talking to Astrid and Alt-Astrid] like to join me in a plate of eggs. W - with chives."
I felt so bad for Walter that no one wanted to join him. So I was absolutely thrilled when he finally had a taker in 4.18 The Consultant.
Scramble your eggs, add chives or parsley (that's what I used), serve with bacon and toast, sprinkled works :).
4.12 Welcome To Westfield
Peter: "Walter is creating a new breakfast cocktail - hot cinnamon roll... It's mostly Cinnamon Schnapps and butter, but... right now it's mostly butter."
credits: screencaps are from, transcripts are from, and the other pictures are mine.
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