Friday, May 29, 2015

Walter Bishop's Deli (3/4)

By thecortexifan (@thecortexifan)

PART 3 (read part 2)

4.14 The End Of All Things
Walter's way of dealing with difficult things, he eats... weird food. I'm glad he didn't add any of the olives from that jar next to the sprinkles. 

Just follow Walter's instructions. We used whole wheat bread though.

4.16 Nothing As It Seems
Walter: "... I have just made some peanut butter and bacon sandwiches." 
Lincoln: "...this bacon is fantastic. Do you have any more?" (right pic) 

Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches are delicious. We tried different types of bacon, regular and Canadian. And both tasted great. You could use crunchy peanut butter as well and of course your choice of bread.

4.22 Brave New World Part 2
Walter: "Excuse me, Miss. Is that Lemon Jell-o?"

Of course I don't need to explain what is in those jars, lol. I thought this would be a fun addition to a "FRINGE" party so I tried to recreate this. 

Find little containers (as many guests you expect) and use lemon jell-o and there you go. Spread the containers over your buffet area (pics of that will come at the end).

This next one was mostly for display again. I combined a few episodes to create the "2036 plate".

5.01 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11
Walter: (spits out food) "What's that?"
Etta: "It's an Egg Stick."
Walter: "What a miserable future." I agree!

5.03 The Recordist
Peter is hungry.
Peter: "What's that?"
Etta: "It's an apple."

5.04 The Bullet That Saved The World
Walter: "It's my old doughnut hole. Jelly. It's still spongy. It's still good." Oh Walter!

Ok, so now let's put it together. The first time I tried this I couldn't find a doughnut hole anywhere. I decided to do this as a last minute thing the first time. So I took the inside of a roll and covered it with cinnamon and sugar. For the tentacles I used Twizzlers Pull 'n' Peel. Then I poured some strawberry or raspberry sauce over it. The second time I did this, I did find doughnut holes. (right).

For the egg sticks, I fried 3 or 4 egg whites in a tiny pan to get the thickness. Once they were cooled off I cut them in stripes and put them on skewers, breaking/cutting them to length. I don't remember what I used for the "apple" on the left. The other "apples" were green candy. Mind you that this was purely for display!

To be continued... More every three weeks

credits: screencaps are from, transcripts are from, and the other pictures are mine. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Things you never noticed about Olivia's apartment (3/7)

Have you ever felt lost in Olivia’s apartment scenes? Did you ever have the feeling something has changed but don't know what? You’re not alone! We noticed that too, so we investigated a little bit and found out that Olivia’s apartment is changing all the time. We’re going to expose the main "discoveries" we've made.

#3 The mysterious spaces
During Season 1, Rachel and Ella lived with Olivia in her apartment, but where did they sleep? Olivia's apartment just has one bedroom!

Let's follow Ella in this video from episode 1x12:

Ella goes through the kitchen to brush her teeth. We don't realise where the bathroom is until season 2, therefore, we think this is the way to the bathroom.

At the end of the same episode (1x12) Rachel goes to put Ella to bed and they follow the very same path:

If we take a look at that part of the kitchen we see a door. What's behind it? The bathroom? Another room? Judging from the light, it seems like the door leads to a patio. 

There's also another door in the living room that shows us it's impossible to have a room there. 

The mysteries don't end here. Ok, they want us to think the extra bedroom is there, but then, why does Ella go to get dressed in the opposite side in episode 1x15?

Did you notice where Ella goes? She dissapears through the apartment's front door! Is she sleeping at the neighbour's now? ;P
Another goof!

More every three weeks!

Videos from dunham4life's You Tube channel
Pictures from @Chapman2014

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fringe Jukebox (2/16)

By @DannaAissa@Chapman2014 & @Fringemania

Fringe is full of good music, that's a fact. I had been thinking about including a Fringe Music section on my blog when I discovered that @Chapman2014 had a list with some of Walter's favorite titles. I asked her to complete the list and write a few posts but while she was working on it she found out that it had already been done on @Fringemania's blog. This series of posts follows the list on that blog although we also added other musical references. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

<- Part 1       Part 3 ->

1x05 Power Hungry
- Joseph Meegar listens to music while he delivers the mail. We hear the same song later when Walter isolates Joseph's magnetic fingerprint.

1x07 In Which We Meet Mr. Jones
- Olivia is in Germany at Luca's apartment having some wine while they talk:

1x08 The Equation
- Ben playing the piano after the accident.

- Ben tries to finish this song:

- Walter sings these Christmas carols trying to remember where he heard about the green and red lights.

Deck The Hall
Jingle Bells

- Walter sings "Row, row, row your boat" again back at St. Claire's.

1x09 The Dreamscape
- Olivia's about to go out to a party when Broyles calls...

1x10 Safe
- Olivia and Peter are at a bar in Cambridge.

1x11 Bound
- Olivia and Rachel are making dinner at Olivia's kitchen.

More every three weeks!

Screencaps from

<- Part 1       Part 3 ->

Friday, May 8, 2015

Walter Bishop's Deli (2/4)

By thecortexifan (@thecortexifan)

PART 2 (read part 1)

3.06 6955 kHz
Walter: "Avocado, cucumber, and cheese. In 1974, the CIA asked me to develop the best sandwich for clarity of thought."

Thank you Walter, for teaching me to eat avocados because I've never had them before this. Quite delicious, I must say. If you don't like avocados but love guacamole, you can use it (that's what I did the first time around). Take white or whole wheat bread, spread avocado or guac on it. Slices of your favorite cheese, I used medium cheddar and top it off with cucumber slices. Spread more avocado or guac on the other slice of bread and there you go.

3.16 Os
Walter: "It was Belly's intellect that made [Massive Dynamic] great. All I've managed to do with its vast resources is to create a new flavor of cupcake frosting. Bacon-berry."

Yes! We tried it. WARNING: This looks disgusting, lol. 
We took frozen stawberries and put them in a blender and added bacon bits.

Then we took regular white frosting and added our mix. We covered sponge cake with the frosting, served it with pizza and cotton candy. 1.06 The Cure. Walter: "Blue. Not Pink."
I just realized that we never tried making our own milk shakes or custard. 

Let me just tell you that... it was disgusting, lol. But, we didn't have Walter's lab or equipment to do it properly. Maybe using real bacon would have helped or whatever Walter was smoking ;)

4.08 Back To Where You've Never Been
Walter: "Chocolate chip and banana pancakes."

Take your favorite pancake recipe, add sliced bananas and chocolate chip. Bake. Serve with bacon. Oh yeah and... we added Red Vines to almost anything, lol.

4.11 Making Angels
Walter: "What would you say to some eggs? I had a marvelous dream last night in which eggs played a prominent part." Just got to love Walter's imagination.
And later in that episode (right pic)
Walter: "Perhaps y - you would both [talking to Astrid and Alt-Astrid] like to join me in a plate of eggs. W - with chives."

I felt so bad for Walter that no one wanted to join him. So I was absolutely thrilled when he finally had a taker in 4.18 The Consultant.
Walter: "Some people swear by hair of the dog, but I prefer nature's sponge, the egg."

Scramble your eggs, add chives or parsley (that's what I used), serve with bacon and toast, sprinkled works :).

4.12 Welcome To Westfield
Peter: "Walter is creating a new breakfast cocktail - hot cinnamon roll... It's mostly Cinnamon Schnapps and butter, but... right now it's mostly butter." 

And No! We did not try this one. Had to draw the line somewhere. 

credits: screencaps are from, transcripts are from, and the other pictures are mine. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Things you never noticed about Olivia's apartment (2/7)

Have you ever felt lost in Olivia’s apartment scenes? Did you ever have the feeling something has changed but don't know what? You’re not alone! We noticed that too, so we investigated a little bit and found out that Olivia’s apartment is changing all the time. We’re going to expose the main "discoveries" we've made.

#2 Changes on the façade and the corridor

This is the façade of Olivia's apartment, appearing for the very first time in episode 1x06:

You'd think they'd want to show that Olivia lives in the apartment with the lights on, right? But according to this floor plan that's not possible, Olivia lives in the one with the lights off and that's in another building.

This is the establishing shot for every episode but three:
1x12, 1x15 and 1x18

In 1x12 (The No-brainer) Olivia runs to her apartment to save Ella but the façade is not the one we know of.

In 1x15 (Inner Child) and 1x18 (Midnight) the image preceding Olivia's apartment scene is different. They changed the façade again! We can also see that façade on some episodes later on like 4x04.

Let's talk about the corridor now. This is how it looks in Season 1:

And this is the corridor in Season 2 and 3:

While she's clearly living in the same apartment, the corridor changes from season 2 onwards: there's no staircase and she no longer lives near the entrance of the building. Another goof!

More every three weeks!