Friday, September 25, 2015

Things you never noticed about Olivia's apartment (5/7) - Part 2

Have you ever felt lost in Olivia’s apartment scenes? Did you ever have the feeling something has changed but don't know what? You’re not alone! We noticed that too, so we investigated a little bit and found out that Olivia’s apartment is changing all the time. We’re going to expose the main "discoveries" we've made.

<- Previous post

#5 The Kitchen's Metamorphosis
(Part 2)
(click here to see all the kitchen videos on You Tube)

If you missed the first part of this post last week, catch up here.

Season 2 & 3 vs Season 4
We are in another timeline now, so we'd be disappointed if something in the kitchen didn't change.

They maintained the same structure of the kitchen but changed the decoration and the color of the furniture.

The Fringe Fridge
Three different fridges are used:

FRIDGE 1 (Season 1): all white.

FRIDGE 2 (Season 2 and 3 until 3x08): white with a black handle.

FRIDGE 3 (Season 3 from 3x09 and Season 4): silver.

Where was the washing machine?
In episode 3x09 we see a washing machine that wasn't there before! Let's have a look at that corner of the kitchen:

In season 1: there was a door to a patio.
In season 2 and season 3 (until 3x08): there was a big water bottle.
From 3x09 on: there's the cabinet with the washing machine!
More apartment soon!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Things you never noticed about Olivia's apartment (5/7) - Part 1

Have you ever felt lost in Olivia’s apartment scenes? Did you ever have the feeling something has changed but don't know what? You’re not alone! We noticed that too, so we investigated a little bit and found out that Olivia’s apartment is changing all the time. We’re going to expose the main "discoveries" we've made.

<- Part 4

#5 The Kitchen's Metamorphosis
(Part 1)
(click here to see all the kitchen videos on You Tube)

Olivia’s apartment totally changed after episode 1x04 and so did the kitchen.

It went from wood-coloured furniture and a bricked wall to white furniture while still maintaining the brick style on one of the walls.

Let's see more changes:

Season 1 vs Seasons 2 & 3
Another significant change happens between season 1 and seasons 2&3. Pay attention to the left kitchen wall:

The window and the door to the patio disappear and it seems like she remodelled the kitchen to make it bigger. Also, the furniture in that part of the kitchen is totally different and she changed the high rectangular table for a regular round one and put it in the middle of the kitchen instead of against the wall.

Some of the cabinets are different now and the drawers have a different style.

More kitchen next week!

Friday, September 4, 2015


Series SciFi/Police Officer Fringe does not miss assets: Originality, ambition, inventive, family, love!

I am a "Fringie" (a mega fan of Fringe). I discovered this series in 2009 during the episode 1x16 "Unleashed", a good episode that surprised me and made me want to continue this series and find out.

This series introduced me to a world I knew little. SciFi fan and sciences, it opened a world of possibilities.
It has brought together a community of fantastic fans (Fringies) on social networks through "twitter campaigns" when it aired in USA / Canada every Friday.

Every Friday, the campaign "FRINGE FRIDAY" centered on the broadcasted episode and gathered fans worldwide. We tweeted comments, pictures and opinions on Fringe and we talked among ourselves. I enjoyed creating photomontages and even icons for these Fringe Friday events.

Fringe Friday has become an appointment that should not be missed! To share with others Fringies the Fringe adventure.
Fringe ended on January 18, 2013 but Fringies are still here... remember and still share.
Fringe Friday became a tribute to the series, its creator and of course, the incredible cast.

Fringe Friday is a great nod to a series that will remain unforgettable.