Monday, April 27, 2015

The Recordist

By Andrew Moore(@ashok0)

Retention rate is an absolute KILLER on the World Wide Web. Try Googling "+supplex +scully" in 2015, and you'll get 0 relevant results. In 1998, Supplex was a wildly popular website that hosted content related to The X-Files. Alas, this occured during a long forgotten era when GeoCities was a popular Web host, ISDN was considered "high speed", and Vivo and RealPlayer were still king of Internet video. Fast forward 10 to 15 years later, and there are no remnant traces of vast amounts of Web 1.0 content anywhere in cyberspace.

When Fringe was given a solid end date in 2012, I began to worry that over time, Fringe content, along with Anna Torv's videos and photos, might slowly be lost from Web 2.0. FOX would surely be closing down and fans might start closing Fringe-related accounts. I immediately started saving all FOX material, fan distributed material, TV spots, Web spots, episode stills, electronic press kits, magazines, interviews, SDCC panels, photoshoots, event photos, etc. for personal reference. I found that quite a few things were no longer on-line, but I was able to find trace elements of missing content via Tumblr GIFs and forum posts which I indexed for reference.

By Summer of 2014, I believed I was nearing completion of my Fringe catalog, and casually mentioned my project to a few of my Twitter followers, including Subject13Fringe. In September of 2014, Subject13Fringe suggested that we work together and design a website to host our Fringe libraries. She --- along with all the Torvettes who have done nothing but pour out love for our show via social media ---- convinced me that Fringe was something worth saving long after it had gone off-line.

What followed was an extensive 8 month campaign of hunting down the material in our Fringe catalog which was still missing from our archives. Our project was completed in April of 2015 and was born. My hope is that, in 2036, a search for very specific Fringe content won't result in 0 hits. Fringe was more than a show and is far too special of a show to be lost over time.  But the love and support I have received from Fringies these past few years has convinced me that Fringe will live forever.  <3

Friday, April 24, 2015

Fringe Jukebox (1/16)

By @DannaAissa, @Chapman2014 & @Fringemania

Fringe is full of good music, that's a fact. I had been thinking about including a Fringe Music section on my blog when I discovered that @Chapman2014 had a list with some of Walter's favorite titles. I asked her to complete the list and write a few posts but while she was working on it she found out that it had already been done on @Fringemania's blog. This series of posts follows the list on that blog although we also added other musical references. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

1x02 The Same Old Story
- Christopher is looking for his next victims
Young Men Dead - The Black Angels
Skin Head - The Glass Helmets ( We couldn't find this song on the internet. Here is some info)

- Peter sings to help Walter fall sleep

1x03 The Ghost Network
- John Scott's funeral
- Walter and Peter have breakfast in a cafe
- Walter asks Peter to play Bach's Mass in B minor on the piano while they're in the lab. We wanted to include it anyway although Peter doesn't play.
- Walter plays something on the piano but we couldn't find out what it is. Any ideas?

- Olivia asks Peter to play some Bach on the piano. Peter plays some Jazz instead, a piano cover of this song:

1x04 The Arrival
- September is having lunch in coffe shop at the beginning of the episode.
- Walter meets September in a cafe.

- On the "first" encounter between Peter and September, Peter says random things that September repeats at the same time. Peter mentions these two songs:

I want to hold your hand - The Beatles

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - The Beatles

More every three weeks!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Walter Bishop's Deli (1/4)

By thecortexifan (@thecortexifan)


It all started when a Fringie came over on a Saturday evening to watch the re-run of 3.09 Marionette. We decided it should be “Walter food” for dinner. So we had chicken strips (we don't like wings) and strawberry milkshakes.

But that wasn't enough. My mind was being silly and crazy that day.
Walter was talking about “milk that doesn't go bad, and cheese” and later he licked the (supposedly) ashes of Amanda Walsh.


So... I created the “Marionette plate”,  mostly for “show and tell.“
I cut up cheese, put milk in this little pitcher, used cocoa powder for the ashes, and added some Red Vines, because... ;)
I think it was a success because from that moment on, every time we would get together and watch Fringe, we would try to recreate the food items Walter mentioned or presented. Red Vines, strawberry milkshakes were almost always part of out get-together's. 

We also had lots of floats. We used root beer, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi or orange juice, vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt, added whipped cream, sprinkles and our straws were Red Vines.

Pretty much the first time we see Walter, he mentions food. 

1.01 Pilot
Walter: "They have this horrible pudding here. Butterscotch pudding on Mondays. It's dreadful."

Peter said it best. 

2.10 Grey Matters
Peter: "Every time Walter asks for a piece of food..., he's trying to recreate a moment in time to help him remember." 

Let's dive in to some more of Walter's creations. I tried to list them in the order as they appeared on the show, not necessarily in the order I made them. 

2.07 Of Human Action
Walter: "Oh, don't be ridiculous. You were abducted. Of course you need crepes!"

I'm not going to tell you recipes for crepes. You can find recipes online that serves your diet. After you baked them... let loose and be creative.

We boldly used bacon, Nutella, whipped cream, Red Vines, sprinkles, and fruit. Every one of them just tasted delicious.

As I mentioned in the beginning that our first Walter food dinner included chicken strips. Those were from BK, I think. Later for one of the "Fringe" parties I held, I made my own. 

2.22 Over There Part 1
Walter: "Double breaded for a big crunch. It's so good. Tastes just like on our side. It was Wednesday, 1983, when I happened to identify the last of the 11 secret herbs and spices."

Well, I just used pepper. I bought a few chicken breasts (depending again on the number of people you will have) and cut them in pieces. I left some natural. For the others I used an egg, crunched up french fried onion, and pan fried them. 

They were delicious and we went crazy because... we discovered that dipping them in butterscotch pudding... is awesome. Lol. Thanks Walter. 

credits: screencaps are from, transcripts are from, and the other pictures are mine. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Things you never noticed about Olivia's apartment (1/7)

By Danna Aissa (@DannaAissa) & LB.C (@Chapman2014)

Have you ever felt lost in Olivia’s apartment scenes? Did you ever have the feeling something has changed but don't know what? You’re not alone! We noticed that too, so we investigated a little bit and found out that Olivia’s apartment is changing all the time. We’re going to expose the main "discoveries" we've made.

#1 Olivia's apartment completely changes after episode 1x06

In episodes 1x01 to 1x06, the living room and bedroom were integrated into one space, and the kitchen door was in front of the bed. You can clearly see that in episode 1x04 when Olivia arrives home, goes to the kitchen and John Scott appears.

But from episode 1x09 on we see 3 different spaces and the kitchen is now at the other end of the apartment.

The apartment is so different, you'd think she'd moved to a new one. It turns out that the shot of the building's façade, at the start of every apartment scene, is always the same (We'll talk more about the façade later on). Maybe she moved to another apartment inside the same building? But again, the image preceding the apartment scenes always shows the same windows. Maybe she refurbished the apartment? That doesn't seem possible either. So what happened? 

Here are the plans of both apartments:

More every three weeks!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Fringe Forward vol. 1

By Ellen (@fringecomix)

Well, it only took two years, but there’s finally a web comic!

See the beginning of the Fringe Forward Project, or just skip to the web comic currently in progress.