On Tuesday, August 12th 2014, I was fortunate enough to meet Georgina Haig on the set of “Once Upon A Time”! When Georgina was cast as Elsa, I was ecstatic when I realized that it meant that she would be returning to Vancouver. I unfortunately did not get to meet her during her time filming “Fringe” here, so this second chance was one that I was not going to pass up.
I spent my 14 hour day on set with so many wonderful new friends that I met there. Together we met most of the “Once Upon A Time” cast, which was absolutely stellar! I told them about how much I admired Georgina and her work on “Fringe” and how I even had a letter that I wished to give to her. They were incredibly supportive of my mission to deliver my letter to her in person! I mean, what’s the point of doing amazing things if you have nobody to share them with? So thank you friends, you know who you are!
I met Georgina during my 12th hour on set, at 8:36pm. At the time, all of the fans had been moved behind a barricade around the corner from Main Street, where they were shooting a scene with Georgina and Colin O’Donoghue (Captain Hook). On our walk over to our new spot, Georgina and Colin waved and smiled at us! Georgina looked so happy to be there, she’s such a cutie. At our new spot, we couldn’t see the scene being filmed, but we chatted with some other fans, which was lots of fun. I even met another Fringie who also had the Etta Bishop poster from September’s Notebook!
When Georgina and Colin started walking over to the fans lined up behind the barricades, I could hardly process what was about to happen to me. Meeting Georgina Haig, Etta Bishop in the flesh. She looked so beautiful in her rhinestoned baby blue dress and her signature “Elsa Braid” that it took my breath away. I was afraid that I would not be able to speak when she got to me! Luckily, that was not the case and I actually did get a few words in:
A: Hi Georgina! I love your dress. Rhinestones look good on you.
G: Thank you! But rhinestones look good on everyone.
A: I'm such a huge fan of Fringe, started watching when I was ten! Can you sign these for me? *hands over two Fringe pictures of her as Etta*
G: Of course! You've even got the plait (braid) and everything! *grins*
A: Thank you so much! This is also for you *hands her the letter that I wrote her*
G: Is this for me? Really? (she looked so shocked… it was adorable!)
A: *laughs* Yes! Are there any other Georgina Haigs around here?
A: Can I have a picture with you?
G: Yes, yes!
A: Thank you. Georgina, can I ask you a question?
G: Yes of course.
A: Just.....What was it like to work with Anna Torv on Fringe?
G: It was wonderful!
A: She seems so focused and intense, is that true?
G: Oh yeah, for sure.
A: Yeah, I met her once and she was really sweet and shy. Thanks for answering!
G: I still can't believe that Joshua Jackson was my dad! I loved Dawson's Creek! *laughs*

Contact Arianne Robbins on:
twitter: @fringe__forever tumblr : vancouverswan
(the picture of Georgina walking around set with my letter is picture credit to Ashley K. Davis!)
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